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  The world's leading rugby fitness book featuring over 140 drills, exercises & training programs  


The abdominal muscles, key stabilisers, are often only trained with sit-ups, and this trunk curling movement does not necessarily relate to the abdominal's functional role in supporting your trunk while running, tackling, or changing direction quickly. They rarely access the most important abdominal muscles of all - the 'transversus abdominis' and the small back muscles, the 'multifidus'.

By performing sit-ups you would be training the abdominals as mobilisers

The rectus abdominis (six pack) is the key mobiliser muscle, and your aim is not to concentrate on the curling movement of this muscle but the supporting capacity of the 'trans abs'.

An unrivalled tool for recruiting and developing your core muscles is the Swiss Ball, (also known as an exercise ball, gym ball, or Fitball) a unique fitness aid that 'wakes up' the core stabilisers through exercises that closely mimic the forces the body has to experience playing rugby.

Your level of flexibility has an influence on your body alignment and posture

A variety of exercises on the ball can be used to target muscle groups while activating the core stabilisers. Your training options for core stability development include:-



The Swiss Ball - an unrivalled tool for recruiting and developing your core muscles.
Following a period of progressive Core Stability training, you will automatically activate the correct muscles - this is the essence of core stability training for total rugby fitness.
High quality, burst resistant Swiss Balls in 3 different sizes.

Click here for more info...