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Olympic lifts are multi-joint exercises that involve all major muscle groups, similar to most rugby movements

More players and coaches are turning to the Olympic lifts and their variations to enhance power. They are ground-based exercises so you have to exert force against the ground, which is specific to rugby. When performed correctly, these exercises constitute the best way to develop power, which successfully tranfers to rugby.

Extremely high power outputs are generated during Olympic lifts

By their nature, all Olympic style lifts provoke a high power output as they allow you to move a relatively heavy weight at a high speed.


Just treat the word Olympic as 'power!'

Similar to rugby, the movements also require a high level of proprioception, co-ordination and control.

Technique is extremely important when performing Olympic lifts -

The Olympic lifts range of exercises include the following exercises:

  • Hang clean
  • Clean and Jerk
  • Clean Pull
  • Power Snatch
  • Snatch Pull
  • Hang Snatch

Plus assistance exercises such as:

  • Front Squat
  • Back Squat
  • Overhead Squat



Hang Clean pull and catch phases
Technique must be first and foremost when introducing and progressing with Olympic style lifts. When properly taught and supervised, Olympic lifts do not involve excessive risk of injury - assuming strength and stability are sound
Performed correctly, Olympic lifts are a major force for developing power, which successfully tranfers to rugby..

Learn each lift by progressing through each phase. Breakdown of the Power Clean:

  • Start position
  • First pull
  • Double knee bend
  • Second pull
  • Final pull
  • Drop under bar
  • Catch
  • Completed Clean