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Foot Speed Drill 1
Top 5 Ladder Drills
Foot speed and co-ordination
Foot speed ladder

Drill 1. One foot each square. Stand on both feet in front of a foot-speed ladder that is lying on the ground. Run the length of the ladder by placing one foot in each ladder space. See figure 1. Do four repetitions, with a walk-back recovery between each repetition. Then rest for two minutes.

Drill 2. Two feet each square. Stand on both feet in front of the ladder. Run the length of the ladder by placing both feet in each ladder space. See figure 2. Do four repetitions, with a walk-back recovery between each repetition. Then rest for two minutes.

Drill 3. Two feet each square lateral. Stand on both feet sideways in front of the ladder. Run the length of the ladder by moving laterally through it, placing both feet in each space. See figure 3. Walk back to the start position and repeat, facing in the opposite direction and leading with the other leg. Do four repetitions, with a walk-back recovery between each repetition. Then rest for two minutes.

Drill 4. Two in, two out. Stand on both feet sideways in the first ladder space. Move laterally down the ladder, leading with the nearest foot, and place two feet behind the first space (so you are stepping backward out of the ladder), then two feet into the next space. Repeat this sequence along the length of the ladder. See figure 4. Walk back to the start position and repeat, facing in the opposite direction and leading with the other leg. Do four repetitions, with a walk-back recovery between each repetition. Then rest for two minutes.

Drill 5. Side step. Sidestep into and out of each space as you move forward. The pattern is, for example, to move the left foot into the first ladder space, move the right foot into the same space, move the left foot outside the ladder, move the right foot into the second ladder space, move the left foot into the same space, and move the right foot outside the ladder. Mentally counting one-two-out, one-two-out, and so on will help you capture the rhythm. Gradually increase how far outside the ladder you step as you move down the ladder. See figure 5. Do four repetitions, with a walk-back recovery between each repetition. Then rest for two minutes
Key Points
The goal of each drill is to minimize your knee lift and move your feet through the ladder as quickly as possible .
Repeat the drill but keep your heels in contact with the floor and move your toes.
Please read our Disclaimer before performing these Sample Drills

Foot Speed Ladder 4m
Foot Speed Ladder 8m
Indoor Foot Speed Ladder 4m